FAQ: Marching Season
Following is a list of questions that are frequently asked by parents.
Should you require additional up to date details, please be sure to reach out to our director Mr. Mitchell for the latest information.
What is a marching band? Our marching band is a collection of instrumental musicians and a color guard. All members of the marching band wear a uniform. The uniform can vary based on the program developed for the marching season. The musicians perform while moving (marching) for entertainment, motivation (football games), and competition. Instrumentation usually includes brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. The color guard is a skilled group of physical performers who provide visual interpretation to the music through the use of props that can include flags, rifles, sabers, and other equipment that varies from season to season.
When is band camp? Band camp is held at Edison in the weeks before school begins. Band camp is typically the first three weeks of August. The first two weeks are all day and the third week is afternoon and/or evenings. The schedule for camp is sent by Mr. Mitchell via Email.
Is there a fee for band? Yes, there is a fee for Marching Band. An Email regarding fees will be sent by the band director in the summer.
Is band camp mandatory? Yes, any conflicts with attendance need to be discussed with the band director.
What do I need for band camp? Instrument, hat, closed-toed shoes, shorts (not denim), sunscreen, lunch, snacks, water, water, and more water. Students will be outside a large portion of the day and it’s hot! Students will need to bring their lunches, but EBPO tries to augment with additional snacks and water.
When are practices/rehearsals? Once school starts, practices are typically two times a week. One practice is directly after school. The other is in the evening. Additional practices may be added as needed. The season schedule is given out during band camp, but is subject to change as required.
When are games and competitions? The band only plays for home football games on Friday nights. There are typically five home games. Competitions are on Saturdays and can be all-day events. There are typically four competitions. Many games and competitions are back to back (Friday game and Saturday competition). The season schedule is given out during band camp, but is subject to frequent updates.
What happens on game night? When school ends, students stay at school for rehearsal and to prep for the game. The band stays for the entire game and following cleanup. The EBPO sets up the stands, feeds the students dinner, and helps the students with instruments as required. Students have an opportunity to pre-order and pay for concessions during dinner. After dinner, the band gets dressed and lines up outside the school to march to the stands. The Band fills up the stands and provides music as motivation for the football team and fans. Students provide motivational music in the first quarter and a portion of the second quarter. At halftime, the Band performs their show. During third quarter, students are allowed to snack provided they remove their uniform jackets. The band resumes playing motivational music during the fourth quarter. After the game, the band is responsible for returning all instruments, putting away uniforms, and leaving the band room in an orderly manner. Band parents help clean up the stands, and help return band equipment to storage. Once this is accomplished, the students are dismissed by the band director. Usually, students are dismissed by 10:00pm.
What is the marching band uniform? There is a uniform for everyone (musicians and color guard). The marching band fee covers uniforms and 1 show shirt. Following is a bulleted list of some requirements provided by the director.
Uniforms are stored at Edison.
Each band member wears marching shoes called Drillmasters. Returning members should find and try on their shoes. The band fee includes shoes.
Students wear matching show shirts under their uniforms for every performance and competition. There are times when games and competitions are back to back so consider purchasing a second show shirt for your band student so they have a clean shirt for Saturday, though it is not required. The order form will be passed out during band camp. (The first show shirt is provided by the Edison Band Parent Organization. A second shirt is usually $15)
Students wear dark athletic shorts or dark leggings under their marching uniform. Please ensure your student doesn’t wear cargo shorts, denim, or sweatpants. Adjustments to the policy will be made if the temperature warrants.
Students should wear ALL black crew or mid-calf socks for performances. Please, no swooshes, lettering, brand names, ankle socks, etc.- just plain, cheap, black crew socks. Students are expected to have their own socks.
Students are not allowed to wear any jewelry when in full uniform. If there are piercings that cannot be removed, they are required to cover them.
Students will not be allowed to have their cell phones with them when in uniform.
Color Guard members have slightly different uniform requirements. Definite needs are black socks and seamless undergarments. Hair and makeup needs will be determined by the director, supplies will be provided
How long is marching season? Marching season begins with band camp (the first week of August) and runs until mid-November. You should plan to be busy nearly every weekend.
Is there band spirit wear? Yes! There is a variety of spirit wear. These are not included in the uniform fee. A popular item is the coveted band jacket embroidered with the band logo and name. An order form will be handed out at band camp.
How can parents/guardians help? The marching band needs your help! Your students love having support from their families at band events. Consider donating your time to an event this year; be it a football game or competition. Even if you only have an hour or two, there are multiple ways to help out. And, we have a lot of fun! Stay connected by signing up for communication about band schedules, competitions, fundraisers, assessments, trips, parties, and volunteer opportunities from the band. To sign up for email communication: MailChimp SignUp. Please consider joining the EBPO. You are automatically a voting member when you show up to monthly meetings. During meetings, we meet with the director to discuss how to meet the needs of the band. Some others opportunities to contribute are as follows.
Hospitality. Coordinate, and execute food and beverage service for all band meals, Edison Band concert receptions, Band Camp, Football Games, Competitions, Edison Band banquets and Edison Band awards ceremonies.
Chaperone. Responsibilities include setting up the stands, taking/picking up concession orders, sitting with the band, serving water, cleaning the stands after the game, and assisting where needed.
Pit Crew. The crew is responsible for assisting the pit musicians in transferring the pit percussion instruments and the drum major platforms on and off the field before and after the halftime performances.