FAQ: Concert Season

Following is a list of questions that are frequently asked by parents.

Should you have additional questions, please reach out to the band director.

What are the requirements for Concert/Symphonic Band?   Students must be enrolled in a band class during the school year.

Is there a fee?  Yes, there is a fee. Information will be sent out before the year begins.  Fee can be paid via MySchoolBucks or in-person.

Is there a uniform?  Is there a uniform?  Yes, there is a uniform for everyone.  Concert Band uniforms are provided by the student.  Options include black pants, a black shirt, or a black dress and must adhere to the FCPS dress policy.  Symphonic band uniform is provided by the school. Both bands require black socks and shoes that are black and close-toed.

When are the rehearsals?  The majority of rehearsals take place during the school day.  Extra rehearsal may be needed prior to the concert and will generally occur after school- a schedule will be sent out prior to the concert or event.

When are the concerts? There are generally 3 concerts- Winter, Assessment, and Spring. Concerts are during the week in the auditorium at Edison HS and start at 7 pm.  Dates for these will be given to students in the Fall and posted to the website.